Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What's Do It Yourself Anarchy Productions About?: A Revisionist History

This is comedy.

It all started years ago with blogging for my friends and pussy. It moved forward from that point to freelance writing for a slew of comedy sites eventually culminating in opening my own site Daily (now defunct). The Daily American started as a place to put satirical articles I wrote that for some reason (racist, sexist, rape jokes, pro-sodomy agenda) never got picked up. It started out as a fake news site with a variety of columns from a "What If?" column showcasing what may have happened if overhyped media stories such as "killer bees" and "Y2K" actually lived up to the hype to a column showcasing racist antiques from the past. Realizing just how many news satire sites there were out there I decided to reinvent the site into the World's first Tabloid Satire site (it was even interactive and made to look exactly like the front page of a supermarket tabloid). Basically I spread blatant fake stories about celebrities from Miley Cyrus being the club footed product of incest to Norm Macdonald bravely rescuing 13 prostitutes from a burning building (while taking his money back). Unfortunately the site took time I didn't have and didn't produce any revenue (I may post whats left of the archives at a later date).

After bumming around writing screen/teleplays I realized I need a new outlet for my random comedy pieces so I'm starting up a blog with millions of other people.

Prepare to be dazzled with mediocrity!

P.S. I've written under the names of Dr. Intoxicated, Justintoxicated (the same one who does photoshops for Toucher and Rich), Doc Tox, Anonymously, Bob Namos, and Eugel Weiss (That I remember)

If you're interested in my writing or columns please drop me a line. If you want to post my stuff elsewhere please contact me first (most likely I'll give you an emphatic "yes" and wish to brag to my enemies, if not bjuy me a couple drinks and that yes will be sure to come out)

All material is the copyrighted property of Do It Yourself Anarchy Productions and it's creator/owner (excluding external links) and may not be reproduced or used without express permission. The material, views, and ideas expressed are meant as satire/parody and should not be taken as defamation. All rights reserved 2009.

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